Hit 'enter' to un/pause the script. Hit 'space' to set the velocity to 0.
You may need to click on the canvas to receive input.
The information about these fractals can be found in this Reddit post.
We start with pixel $z = 0$ and iterate $z \rightarrow F_1(z) \; \cup \; F_2(z)$
where we choose one of the functions at random.
$\begin{array}{lcl} \quad F_1(z) &=& \alpha \, z + \beta \, \bar{z} \\ \quad F_2(z) &=& \gamma \, (z-1) + \delta \, (\bar{z} - 1) + 1 \end{array}$
Hit the "Source" button to edit and run your own version of the code.
Any changes will be reset upon page refresh.